Plagiarism Policy

AIPA's International Journal on AI: Bridging Technology, Society and Policy maintains a rigorous standard for the originality and integrity of the research we publish. Our Plagiarism Policy is designed to uphold the highest academic standards and ensure that all submitted works are the product of the author's original efforts. This policy applies to all types of articles, including Original Articles, Review Articles, Book Reviews, and Announcements.

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is defined as the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit. It includes, but is not limited to:

  • Direct Plagiarism: The verbatim copying of text without quotation marks or citation.
  • Self-Plagiarism: Reusing significant portions of one's own previously published work without citation or acknowledgment.
  • Mosaic Plagiarism: Piecing together ideas, phrases, or text from various sources without proper attribution, creating a patchwork of other authors' work.
  • Accidental Plagiarism: Unintentional failure to cite sources appropriately or paraphrase correctly, resulting in the misrepresentation of someone else's work as one's own.

AI-Generated Content Policy

With the advent of generative AI tools, it is crucial to address the use of AI-generated text in academic manuscripts. The journal requires that:

  • Authors must disclose the use of AI tools in the creation of their manuscripts. This includes any AI assistance in writing, data analysis, or other aspects of manuscript preparation.
  • AI-generated content must be clearly identified and appropriately cited, acknowledging the specific AI tools and models used.
  • The responsibility for the integrity and originality of the manuscript remains with the authors, even if AI tools were employed. Authors must ensure that AI-generated content does not plagiarize existing works and adheres to ethical standards.
  • Manuscripts that rely heavily on AI-generated content will be subject to additional scrutiny to verify originality and proper attribution.

Submission Screening

All manuscripts submitted to AIPA's International Journal on AI will be screened for plagiarism using advanced plagiarism detection software. The software checks for similarities with previously published works and alerts the editorial team to any potential issues.

Author Responsibilities

Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of their work. By submitting a manuscript, authors affirm that:

  • The manuscript is their original work and has not been previously published or submitted elsewhere.
  • All sources of information, ideas, and text are properly cited.
  • Permissions have been obtained for any copyrighted material included in the manuscript.
  • They acknowledge any collaborative contributions appropriately.
  • They disclose any use of AI tools in the creation of their manuscript.

Review Process

During the peer review process, reviewers are encouraged to report any suspicions of plagiarism or inappropriate use of AI-generated content. If plagiarism or misuse of AI-generated content is suspected, the editorial board will conduct a thorough investigation, which may involve:

  • Comparing the manuscript against the suspected source.
  • Seeking input from subject matter experts.
  • Consulting with the authors for explanations or clarifications.

Consequences of Plagiarism

If plagiarism or inappropriate use of AI-generated content is confirmed at any stage of the publication process, the following actions will be taken:

  • Manuscript Rejection: If issues are detected during the submission stage, the manuscript will be rejected immediately, and the authors will be informed.
  • Retraction: If issues are identified post-publication, the published article will be retracted, and a retraction notice will be issued. The authors’ institutions may also be informed.
  • Banning Authors: Authors found to have engaged in plagiarism or misused AI-generated content may be banned from submitting to the journal for a specified period, depending on the severity of the misconduct.
  • Reporting to Institutions: Serious cases may be reported to the authors' affiliated institutions for further investigation and potential disciplinary action.

Appeals and Reconsiderations

Authors have the right to appeal editorial decisions regarding plagiarism or AI-generated content issues. Appeals must be submitted in writing and should include detailed justifications for reconsideration. The editorial board will review appeals on a case-by-case basis, taking into account any new evidence or clarifications provided by the authors.

Preventive Measures

AIPA's International Journal on AI encourages the following best practices to prevent plagiarism and ensure proper use of AI-generated content:

  • Proper Citation: Authors should meticulously cite all sources, ensuring that credit is given where it is due.
  • Originality Check: Authors should use plagiarism detection tools to screen their manuscripts before submission.
  • Transparency with AI Tools: Authors should clearly disclose the use of any AI tools in the creation of their manuscripts.
  • Awareness and Training: Institutions should provide training on academic integrity, proper citation practices, and the ethical use of AI tools to students and researchers.


Maintaining academic integrity is crucial for the advancement of knowledge and the credibility of research. AIPA's International Journal on AI is committed to fostering a culture of honesty, transparency, and ethical scholarship. By adhering to this Plagiarism Policy, we strive to uphold the highest standards of academic excellence and contribute positively to the field of artificial intelligence.